Rhinoplasty For Men

Many men undergo rhinoplasty each year; in fact, it is one of the most common procedures they request. Men may seek help for breathing problems, and then use the opportunity to correct parts of their nose that they find unappealing. 

How Does Male Rhinoplasty Differ?

As any skilled facial plastic surgeon knows, there are significant differences between masculine and feminine noses. Our surgeons have the experience to subtly sculpt a patient’s nose in a way that matches their ideal.

Dr. Spiegel and his team at The Spiegel Center in Newton, Massachusetts, have a stellar reputation for catering to patients of a variety of gender identities. Men want to look good too, and work with surgeons who understand how to blend their central feature with the rest of their face.

Is A Rhinoplasty Right For Me?

Whether you have health issues or cosmetic changes in mind, seek out a facial plastic surgeon who has reliably good results and an aesthetic sense that matches your own. Below are some reasons that men visit The Spiegel Center for rhinoplasties; if you can relate to any, a rhinoplasty might be right for you.

  • Correct divergent septum
  • Want nose to have a straighter profile
  • Reduce the size of a prominent nose
  • Refine the nose tip so it won’t dip when laughing or smiling
  • Want the nose bridge to slope down more for a more masculine look

What Happens During A Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasties are unique to each patient since every person has different needs and particularities to their facial anatomy. Typically, a rhinoplasty takes 1.5-2 hours and occurs under general anesthesia (though ‘micro-rhinoplasties’ can happen under local anesthesia with sedation).

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Our surgeons determine whether to perform the rhinoplasty with an internal incision in the columella or an external one just outside of the nostrils in the crease between the cheek and nose. We then carefully resculpt the nasal structure to the desired specifications and then carefully close the incisions and dress the area.

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How Long Does It Take To Recover From Rhinoplasty?

Recovery time is dependent on how extensive the procedure is. Most patients should plan for two weeks of post-operative recovery. As with any surgery, swelling and bruising are to be expected, and patients will experience nasal congestion and some discomfort in the first few days.

After a week, patients can resume light socializing and desk activities. They must avoid strenuous exercise until medically cleared. Your Spiegel Center surgical team will create a tailored recovery plan for each patient and schedule a series of follow-up appointments to ensure that healing is going well. 

What Will My Nose Look Like Afterwards?

Patients can expect a masculine, symmetrical nose that blends seamlessly with the rest of their face. Although patients will see a difference when the initial swelling subsides, they should expect the final results of their rhinoplasty after 12-18 months. This is how long it takes for swelling to go away completely and for the nose to settle into its new contour. Scars should fade in three to six months after the operation. 

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Rhinoplasty for Men Before & After

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Choose An Expert In Male Rhinoplasty

Our surgical team has spent years performing complex procedures on the head and face, and we are some of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the world. The surgical team at The Spiegel Center prides themselves on being approachable, caring physicians who want to help patients feel and look their best. To schedule a consultation, contact The Spiegel Center in Newton, Massachusetts, today.

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