Types Of Lip Lift
Typically, a segment of skin is removed in a groove beneath and inside the nose to shorten the distance between your nose and upper lip, while lifting the upper lip. Your surgeon will customize where they lift to get the right shape everywhere, not just in the center of the mouth. The corners can be elevated as well for a happier, more friendly appearance.
Stitches are typically in place for one week, and you’ll look great shortly thereafter. If you want fuller lips at the same time, your surgeon can place the skin and fat removed from high on the lip back into the vermilion body of the lip for a beautiful, full pout! For many people, a lip lift with augmentation is the missing element between looking good and looking great.
There are a number of different options for lip implants (natural, synthetic, solid, or injected) that can be added to provide additional fullness to the lips. The most common natural implant used at the Spiegel Center is called a dermal fat graft. This is a mixture of fat, skin, and soft tissue, a small piece of living tissue that is placed into the lips. This normally comes from the skin removed, but it can also come from a scar elsewhere on your body (from a different surgery). A third option is that the augmentation can be done with fat we take from somewhere you don’t want it.
Since the implant is made from your own tissue, there are fewer allergies, infections, or other reactions to worry about. The results are long-lasting, and the lips feel completely natural! Many other options are also available ranging from fat grafting to injectable fillers, to permanent implants. A permanent “Permalip” implant is also available, and we place many of these. They last forever and are very natural and soft.
Lips are typically somewhat puffy following these procedures—especially if an implant is placed. However, the majority of swelling is gone quickly. There are other great non-surgical options, including Restylane®, Juvederm®, or Versa, which are dermal fillers to give you luscious full lips.