Targeted Care for Elegant Results 

A mid facelift, also known as a cheek lift, is a surgical procedure designed to address signs of aging in the midface area, including the cheeks and lower eyelids. This procedure focuses on lifting and repositioning the underlying SMAS layer and tightening the skin to restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Many individuals choose a mid facelift in Boston over a traditional facelift because it specifically targets the midface region, providing a more targeted and natural-looking rejuvenation.

Is a Mid Facelift Right For Me?

It’s natural to have questions about any procedure. Typically, we’ve found that this procedure might be an excellent solution for you if: 

  • You are seeking to address sagging or drooping cheeks and midface contours.
  • You desire a rejuvenated, youthful appearance in the midface area.
  • You are looking for a procedure that offers natural-looking results with minimal scarring.
  • You want a more refreshed look without undergoing a full traditional facelift.
  • You are in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the procedure's outcome.

What are the Benefits of a Mid Facelift?

We’ve loved sharing the impressive benefits of this procedure. A mid facelift:  

  • Restores youthful fullness to the cheeks and midface area.
  • Improves the definition and contour of the cheeks for a more rejuvenated appearance.
  • Addresses sagging skin and deepening of the nasolabial folds.
  • Provides natural-looking results with minimal scarring.
  • Offers a targeted approach to rejuvenating the midface without needing a full traditional facelift.

Process and Procedure

During a mid facelift procedure at The Spiegel Center in Boston, our team of double board-certified plastic surgeons utilizes advanced techniques to achieve natural and long-lasting results. The procedure typically involves making discreet incisions within the hairline and around the ears to access the underlying tissues. The SMAS layer is then lifted and repositioned to restore volume and contour to the midface, creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Excess skin is carefully trimmed, and the incisions are meticulously closed to minimize scarring.

The front desk at The Spiegel Center

Mid Facelift Recovery

Following your mid facelift procedure at The Spiegel Center, you can expect personalized post-operative care to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. You can go home on the same day as your procedure, and our team can arrange for a friendly, helpful nurse to tend to your needs while you rest and relax. We offer cold compresses to minimize swelling and bruising. Also, any discomfort can be managed with pain medications as needed. Most patients experience minimal discomfort after surgery, and a soft compressive dressing is recommended for the next week to reduce swelling and promote optimal healing. Sutures are typically removed after one week, and most patients feel well enough to resume their everyday routines at this point. While vigorous activity should be avoided initially, with time, the incision scars heal into thin, barely noticeable lines hidden within natural skin creases or in the hairline.


How long do the results of a mid facelift last?

Will I have visible scarring after a mid facelift?

When can I expect to see the full results of my mid facelift?

Can a mid facelift be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Is a mid facelift performed under general anesthesia?

What is the typical recovery time after a mid facelift?

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for a mid facelift?

How long do the results of a mid facelift last?

The results of a mid facelift are designed to be long-lasting, providing rejuvenation for many years to come.

Will I have visible scarring after a mid facelift?

Our skilled plastic surgeons employ advanced techniques to minimize scarring, strategically placing incisions to ensure any resulting scars are discreet and easily concealed.

When can I expect to see the full results of my mid facelift?

While initial improvements will be noticeable soon after the procedure, the full results of your mid facelift will become increasingly apparent as swelling subsides and the tissues settle, typically within a few months.

Can a mid facelift be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, a mid facelift can be combined with other complementary procedures, such as eyelid surgery or non-surgical treatments for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Is a mid facelift performed under general anesthesia?

A mid facelift is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation, offering a safe and comfortable experience for patients without the need for general anesthesia.

What is the typical recovery time after a mid facelift?

While individual experiences may vary, most patients can expect to resume their normal activities within a few weeks following a mid facelift.

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for a mid facelift?

During a comprehensive consultation, our double board-certified plastic surgeons will evaluate your specific concerns and overall health to determine if a mid facelift is the right choice for you.

Choosing The Spiegel Center For Your Mid Facelift 

At The Spiegel Center, we prioritize offering you exceptional care and delivering outstanding results explicitly tailored to your mid facelift in Boston. Our team of highly skilled, double-board-certified plastic surgeons is dedicated to rejuvenating your midface with precision and artistry. We are committed to helping you regain confidence and take pride in your refreshed appearance. 

Reach out to our office today to schedule a consultation and embark on the journey to fulfill your aesthetic aspirations with a mid facelift. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet with you and offer personalized recommendations to enhance your look and well-being.

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