Unlock Your Inner Vitality 

A lower facelift is a specialized cosmetic procedure designed to address the visible signs of aging in the lower region of the face, including the jawline and neck. This approach is chosen by individuals seeking targeted rejuvenation in the lower face, such as improving jowls and sagging skin, without necessarily addressing the entire face. Compared to a traditional facelift, a lower facelift in Boston offers a more focused solution, allowing for precise enhancement of specific areas that may be showing the effects of aging.

Is a Lower Facelift Right For Me?

Typically, our patients who get the most out of this procedure include: 

  • Individuals concerned with the appearance of jowls and sagging skin in the lower face
  • Those seeking to enhance the definition and contouring of the jawline for a more youthful look
  • Individuals experiencing neck bands and laxity in the neck area
  • Those desiring a focused rejuvenation approach tailored to the lower face
  • Individuals looking for long-lasting results specific to the lower facial region

What are the Benefits of a Lower Facelift?

As mentioned, this particular procedure comes with its own host of impressive benefits, including: 

  • Targeted improvement of jowls and sagging skin in the lower face.
  • Enhanced definition and contouring of the jawline for a more youthful appearance.
  • Addressing neck bands and laxity in the neck area for comprehensive rejuvenation.
  • Focused rejuvenation without the need for a full facelift procedure.
  • Long-lasting results tailored to the specific concerns of the lower face.
The Spiegel Center office

Lower Facelift Process and Procedure

During a lower facelift procedure at The Spiegel Center in Boston, our double board-certified plastic surgeons employ advanced techniques to address the visible signs of aging in the lower face and neck. The procedure involves meticulously lifting and repositioning the deeper tissues to achieve a revitalized and harmonious facial profile. Through a personalized treatment plan, which we’ll develop during your consultation, we will ensure natural-looking and enduring results tailored to your unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Lower Facelift Recovery

Following a lower facelift at The Spiegel Center, you can expect to return home on the same day as your procedure. Our compassionate team can arrange for a friendly and supportive nurse to assist you during the initial stages of recovery, ensuring your comfort and well-being. Cold compresses are utilized to minimize swelling and bruising, while pain medications are made available to manage any discomfort. A soft compressive dressing for the first week reduces swelling and promotes a speedier recovery. Sutures are typically removed after one week, and most patients feel ready to resume their everyday routines at this point. However, we advise patients to avoid vigorous activity and to wear the soft wrap at night for an additional week. Over time, the incision scars heal into thin lines that are barely noticeable, often blending into natural skin creases or the hairline.


How long does the result of a lower facelift last?

Will I experience visible scarring after a lower facelift?

What is the typical recovery time after a lower facelift?

Are there any risks associated with a lower facelift?

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for a lower facelift?

What is the typical age range of individuals who seek a lower facelift?

Can a lower facelift address concerns about volume loss in the midface and cheek area?

How long does the result of a lower facelift last?

A lower facelift is designed to provide long-lasting results, with many patients enjoying the procedure's benefits for years to come.

Will I experience visible scarring after a lower facelift?

Our skilled plastic surgeons employ advanced techniques to minimize scarring, and incisions are strategically placed to ensure that any resulting scars are discreet and easily concealed.

What is the typical recovery time after a lower facelift?

While individual experiences may vary, most patients can expect to resume their normal activities within a few weeks following a lower facelift.

Are there any risks associated with a lower facelift?

As with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks, but our experienced team takes every precaution to minimize potential complications and ensure a safe and successful outcome.

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for a lower facelift?

During a comprehensive consultation, our double board-certified plastic surgeons will evaluate your specific concerns and overall health to determine if a lower facelift is the right choice for you.

What is the typical age range of individuals who seek a lower facelift?

The lower facelift procedure is sought by individuals, typically in their 40s to 60s, who wish to address the visible signs of aging in the lower face and neck area. However, candidacy is determined case-by-case during a comprehensive consultation with our experienced plastic surgeons.

Can a lower facelift address concerns about volume loss in the midface and cheek area?

A lower facelift can be complemented with techniques to address volume loss in the midface and cheek area, such as fat grafting or dermal fillers, to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. During your consultation at The Spiegel Center, our experienced plastic surgeons can assess your concerns and recommend personalized treatment options to help you achieve a harmonious and natural-looking outcome.

Why Choose The Spiegel Center
in Boston?

At The Spiegel Center, we are committed to delivering exceptional care and achieving outstanding results for our patients. Our esteemed team of double-board-certified plastic surgeons specializes in the advanced techniques of our lower facelift in Boston, offering a personalized approach to help you achieve a rejuvenated and harmonious lower facial appearance. We understand the importance of restoring not only your outer beauty but also the inner vitality that radiates confidence and youthfulness. 

Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward regaining a refreshed and confident look that reflects your unique essence.

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