A Procedure Tailored to Your Unique Needs

For many patients, the traditional facelift doesn’t truly meet their exact needs. Enter the innovative technique known as the vertical facelift. This procedure has been meticulously designed to specifically target and address the common signs of aging that manifest in the lower face and neck. Our vertical facelift in Boston offers a highly effective solution for individuals seeking to achieve natural-looking results with minimal scarring, setting it apart from traditional facelift procedures. 

A Deeper Level of Healing 

What truly distinguishes the vertical facelift is its focus on lifting and tightening the deeper tissues, working to restore a more youthful and revitalized appearance. The appeal of this procedure lies not only in its ability to produce long-lasting, natural-looking results but also in its potential for minimizing downtime, making it an increasingly popular choice for those looking to rejuvenate their facial contours without enduring a prolonged recovery period.

Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel with patient

What are The Benefits of a Vertical Facelift? 

We’ve loved sharing the multitude of benefits of this elegant procedure, which include: 

  • Restores a more youthful and rejuvenated facial contour
  • Addresses signs of aging in the lower face and neck
  • Utilizes advanced techniques for natural-looking results
  • Tailored to each patient's unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals
  • Provides comprehensive rejuvenation with minimal scarring
  • Delivers long-lasting and satisfying outcomes

Is a Vertical Facelift Right For Me?

Facial aging can affect individuals at any point in adulthood, and a Vertical Facelift may be an ideal solution for those experiencing:

  • Excessive soft tissue laxity in the lower face and neck 
  • Jowling, loose skin or fat, vertical banding of the neck 
  • Deep grooves around the nose and mouth. 

Rest assured, our team can help determine if you are a suitable candidate for a vertical facelift, taking into account your unique anatomy and overall health to achieve the best possible results.

Vertical Facelift Process and Procedure

The vertical facelift procedure involves meticulously lifting and repositioning the deeper tissues of the face and neck to address signs of aging and restore a more youthful appearance. Our team of double-board-certified plastic surgeons at The Spiegel Center utilizes advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking results, tailoring the procedure to each patient's unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. By focusing on the underlying structures, including muscles and connective tissues, the vertical facelift aims to provide comprehensive rejuvenation with minimal scarring, ultimately delivering long-lasting and satisfying outcomes for our patients.

Vertical Facelift Recovery

Following your vertical facelift at The Spiegel Center in Boston, you can expect to return home the same day as your procedure. Our team can arrange for a nurse to assist you during your initial recovery, and cold compresses will help minimize swelling and bruising. While discomfort is typically minimal, we provide pain medications as needed. A soft compressive dressing is recommended for the first week to reduce swelling, and sutures are usually removed after one week. Most patients feel ready to resume their routines after this time, with incision scars healing into thin, barely noticeable lines.

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How long do the results of a vertical facelift last?

Are there any risks or complications associated with a vertical facelift?

Will I have visible scarring after a vertical facelift?

When can I expect to see the full results of my vertical facelift?

How do I know if a vertical facelift is right for me?

How long does the vertical facelift procedure typically take?

What is the typical post-operative care following a vertical facelift?

How long do the results of a vertical facelift last?

The results of a vertical facelift can last for many years, providing long-lasting rejuvenation despite the ongoing aging process.

Are there any risks or complications associated with a vertical facelift?

While there are potential risks and complications associated with any surgical procedure, our experienced team at The Spiegel Center takes every precaution to minimize these risks and ensure a safe and successful outcome.

Will I have visible scarring after a vertical facelift?

Our team utilizes advanced techniques to minimize scarring, strategically placing incisions to ensure any resulting scars are discreet and easily hidden within natural skin creases or the hairline.

When can I expect to see the full results of my vertical facelift?

While initial improvements will be noticeable soon after the procedure, the full results of your vertical facelift will become increasingly apparent as swelling subsides and the tissues settle, typically within a few months.

How do I know if a vertical facelift is right for me?

To determine if a vertical facelift is suitable for you, schedule a consultation with our team at The Spiegel Center. We will assess your unique concerns and goals, providing personalized recommendations to help you achieve your desired outcome.

How long does the vertical facelift procedure typically take?

The duration of a vertical facelift procedure can vary depending on the specific techniques used and the individual's unique needs. During your consultation, our experienced plastic surgeons will provide a personalized overview of the expected procedure length based on your goals and the extent of rejuvenation required.

What is the typical post-operative care following a vertical facelift?

After a vertical facelift, our team at The Spiegel Center will provide detailed post-operative care instructions to support your recovery. These may include guidance on managing swelling, caring for incision sites, and scheduling follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure optimal healing and results.

Choosing The Spiegel Center

At The Spiegel Center, we are committed to delivering exceptional care and outstanding results. Our team of top-tier physicians, including our double-board-certified plastic surgeons, is dedicated to helping you achieve a more youthful and revitalized appearance with our vertical facelift in Boston. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward restoring your confidence and pride in your new appearance.

We look forward to guiding you through your transformative journey to a rejuvenated and refreshed look.

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