Facial Feminization Surgery: Redefining Self-Identity and Reducing Gender Dysphoria
For many individuals in the transgender community, the face is one of the most defining elements of self-identity. When a person's facial appearance aligns with how they truly see themselves, it can significantly improve their mental well-being, confidence, and sense of self. Fac...
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The Evolution of Facial Feminization Surgery
At The Spiegel Center, we have witnessed remarkable advancements in the field of facial feminization surgery (FFS). This evolution has not only transformed the lives of countless individuals but has also redefined the standards of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Our founder...
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Forehead Contouring: Myths & Facts
Myth: You need a CT or X-Ray before Forehead contouring.Fact: If you have no history of prior forehead surgery or injury this is completely unnecessary. An experienced surgeon gains nothing from these pictures. And, 3-D imaging is also not helpful. It may be fun to see the pictur...
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Forehead Length Reduction, Forehead Reshaping, and Hairline Advancement
It is likely that no place in the world has done more of these procedures than The Spiegel Center (TSC) in Boston! Forehead reduction can involve two primary changes: advancing the hairline or reducing the forehead bone.First, it may involve reducing the length from the hairline...
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7 Important Things to Know About Gender Confirmation Surgery
Across the country, there's greater visibility of the transgender community than ever before—but that comes alongside alarmingly high rates of violence perpetrated against trans men and women, especially those of color. Society has a long way to go in terms of creatin...
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Facial Feminization Surgery vs. liquid Facial Feminization
Facial feminization involves changing the shape of the face to achieve the right contours, light reflections, and shadows in order to create a beautiful woman's face. Facial Feminization is a constellation of procedures to help one look more feminine, yout...
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Voice Feminization Surgery (VFS)
For more than 25 years I've been doing voice surgery. I was very fortunate to train in San Francisco with Dr Herbert Dedo, one of the world’s foremost laryngologists. Many of the basic pieces of equipment used in voice surgery are named after him. In fact, the key dev...
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Do You Need X-rays before Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)?
Do you need X-rays or a CT scan (Cat Scan) before facial bone contouring? The answer may surprise you. The truth is that in most cases you do not!Now you may say, “It's bone surgery. Don’t you need to see where the sinus is? Don’t you need to see my anatom...
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The Power of our Voices – Voice Feminization Surgery
The Power of our Voices - Voice Feminization SurgeryIt has been said that the tongue can paint what the eyes cannot see. This beautiful expression succinctly conveys the power of our voices. With our voices we communicate, alert, share, query, exp...
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