As a practice that specializes in facial procedures that are both non-surgical and surgical, we often discuss both routes in consultations. An area that most patients at The Spiegel Center ask for non-surgical and surgical options on is the chin! There are a multitude of options to enhance the chin both surgically and non-surgically. Each approach has its perks and considerations, so let’s explore the pros and cons of both in more detail.

Chin Implants: The Surgical Route

Let’s start by taking a closer look at chin implants, also known as genioplasty or chin augmentation surgery. These implants involve placing a synthetic material to enhance the size and shape of the chin. A few Pros and Cons:


  1. Customized Look: One of the significant advantages of chin implants is the ability to customize the size and shape to fit your unique facial structure. This customization ensures a natural and harmonious appearance that complements your overall facial features.
  2. Lasting Results: Chin implants offer long-lasting results that can enhance your chin’s appearance for years to come. Once the healing process is complete, the implant becomes a more permanent part of your facial structure, providing enduring improvements.
  3. Dramatic Changes: For individuals seeking significant changes in chin projection and definition, chin implants can achieve more dramatic transformations compared to non-surgical options. This is particularly beneficial for patients with weak chin profiles or asymmetry that requires substantial enhancement by an experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel and Dr. Jake Tower.
  4. Predictable Outcomes: With advancements in surgical techniques and imaging technology, the outcome of chin implant surgery is often predictable. During the consultation process, the facial plastic surgeons at The Spiegel Center can show patients the many different sizes and shapes of chin implants, ensuring a customized experience. Many times chin implants are placed while the patient is under local anesthesia (meaning you do not have to be put to sleep) and patients can see their expected results live!


While there aren’t many cons to a chin implant, let’s list a few for the sake of comparison:

  1. Surgical Process: chin implant surgery, or chin augmentation, can either be done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Many times, this is dependent upon a patient’s requests and the number of procedures being performed. Whether the chin implant is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, a chin implant also requires an incision. Albeit a very small incision!
  2. Recovery Time: Following chin implant surgery, patients can expect a recovery period during which swelling, bruising, and discomfort may occur. While the recovery time is minimal, it’s essential to follow post-op care instructions to ensure proper healing.
  3. Cost Considerations: The cost of chin implant surgery may include anesthesia and surgery center expenses which can make the procedure more expensive than other non-surgical options. While the initial investment may be higher compares to those non-surgical options, many patients at The Spiegel Center find the long-term benefits and satisfaction worth the expense.
  4. Potential Complications: While extremely rare, complications are possible with any cosmetic surgery. This is why it’s crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon, like those at The ‘Spiegel Center, with experience in chin augmentation to reduce the risk of complications and achieve optimal results.

Non-Surgical Options: Fillers and Sculpting

On the other hand, non-surgical options for chin enhancement offer alternatives that are a bit less invasive and require almost no downtime! These options include injectable fillers, neurotoxins, and chin sculpting techniques like Xeomin, Botox, Versa, Radiesse, Juvederm, and Restylane. Let’s explore their pros and cons:


  1. Minimally Invasive: Non-surgical chin enhancement procedures are minimally invasive, typically involving injections with little to no downtime. This makes them suitable for those with busy lifestyles who prefer non-surgical solutions. Dr. Onir often does chin filler on patients that want a chin enhancement with no incision!
  2. Immediate Results: One of the significant advantages of non-surgical options is the immediate improvement in chin projection and contour. Patients can see visible results right after the procedure, providing the instant gratification that we love so much!
  3. Adjustable Enhancement: Non-surgical chin augmentation options offer flexibility in adjusting the degree of enhancement. Whether you prefer subtle changes or more noticeable improvements, The Spiegel Center can tailor the treatment to meet your aesthetic goals.
  4. Lower Cost: Non-surgical procedures like chin filler are generally more cost-effective upfront compared to surgical options. This makes non-surgical procedures a great choice for those that aren’t sure if they’re ready for a more permanent solution!


  1. Temporary Results: The results of non-surgical chin enhancement are temporary and may require periodic touch-ups to maintain the desired outcome. While this provides flexibility, it also means ongoing maintenance treatments.
  2. Limits to Enhancement: While non-surgical options can enhance chin appearance and there are a wide range of possibilities, they may have limitations in achieving significant changes that are long-term compared to surgical implants. 
  3. Possible (but very little) Side Effects: Injectable fillers and neurotoxins carry a risk of minor side effects such as bruising, swelling, or temporary numbness at the injection site. These side effects are usually temporary and resolve on their own.

Choosing the Right Option for You

The decision between chin implants and non-surgical options depends on various factors, including your aesthetic goals, budget, and desired level of permanence. During your consultation with one of the facial plastic surgeons or expert injectors at The Spiegel Center, we’ll discuss your concerns, assess your facial anatomy, and recommend a personalized treatment plan that aligns with our needs.

Ultimately, both chin implants and non-surgical options can provide effective solutions for enhancing your chin’s appearance. Are you ready to discuss your options? Give us a call at 617-566-3223 or email [email protected], and one of our awesome team members will schedule an in-person or virtual consult with one of the doctors at The Spiegel Center!

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

With special expertise in all aspects of facial plastic surgery, and a particular skill for revision surgery, it’s clear why Dr. Spiegel is one of the most celebrated facial plastic surgeons in the world. If you are seeking the best possible results, or have a uniquely challenging problem, you’ve found the right doctor.

Learn More About Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Onir (pronounced “oh-near”) has years of experience in facial aesthetics and treats some of the most recognizable and famous faces. Dr. Onir started her career in oral health, earning doctorate degrees from both New York University and Boston University. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for her cutting-edge medical research as well as her technical skills in dentistry.

Learn More About Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Jacob Tower

Dr. Jacob Tower

A board-certified specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Jacob Tower brings a thoughtful approach and an artistic eye to New England’s premier plastic surgery practice, The Spiegel Center in Newton, Massachusetts. In addition to being an in-demand surgeon, Dr. Tower is an assistant professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, a sought-after lecturer, and an expert in facial plastic surgery.

Learn More About Dr. Jacob Tower
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