We have all heard of facelifts, dermal fillers, and breast implants but the latest craze making its way into the halls of the plastic surgery industry is now butt lifts. Yes, butt lifts are starting to become a very common surgical procedure that many women and some men are starting to inquire about. Brazil has always been a very plastic surgery-infused culture and the butt lift spawned from this geographical location.

A plastic surgeon by the name of Constantino Mendieta who invented procedures like the Miami Thing Lift was recently featured at the Conference of British Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) in London.

The procedure actually requires no outside substances being placed in the buttocks section but rather grafts of fat being extracted through liposuction and then being injected back into the body along with being shaped into what the patient wants or requires. Before this technique silicone was used for a similar procedure but patients have been opting in to use their already-placed fat reserves. The body's natural tendency for blood flow happens to increase in flow to the areas where the fat has been injected giving it a much more natural look.

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Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

With special expertise in all aspects of facial plastic surgery, and a particular skill for revision surgery, it’s clear why Dr. Spiegel is one of the most celebrated facial plastic surgeons in the world. If you are seeking the best possible results, or have a uniquely challenging problem, you’ve found the right doctor.

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Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Onir (pronounced “oh-near”) has years of experience in facial aesthetics and treats some of the most recognizable and famous faces. Dr. Onir started her career in oral health, earning doctorate degrees from both New York University and Boston University. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for her cutting-edge medical research as well as her technical skills in dentistry.

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Dr. Jacob Tower

Dr. Jacob Tower

A board-certified specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Jacob Tower brings a thoughtful approach and an artistic eye to New England’s premier plastic surgery practice, The Spiegel Center in Newton, Massachusetts. In addition to being an in-demand surgeon, Dr. Tower is an assistant professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, a sought-after lecturer, and an expert in facial plastic surgery.

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