These days, “plastic surgery” is a household phrase that women of all ages can have in common…beauty. With the increasing availability of affordable, non-surgical, painless treatments most women’s’ dreams of maintaining a youthful look is as simple as a visit to your local plastic surgeon. But, how are you supposed to know what the best treatment is for you? First I will start with our youngest group, the 20’s.


Let’s start with protecting our most vital organ, our skin. As we age, our skin becomes drier due to the harsh environmental factors like pollution, sun and free radicals in the air (especially if you live in the city!) First thing’s first, wear SPF! Most of the damage (yucky sun spots) that is visible on your face in your 30’s and 40’s has been since you were in your 20’s. That means if you don’t take care of your skin now, you won’t see it until later on in life. Not only will wearing an SPF protect your skin from the sun, it can also help prevent wrinkles, age spots and cancer. All in all, wearing an SPF is essential for healthy, youthful skin.


This is a common complaint of this age group and the biggest mistake that anyone in this age group can make is to over dry your skin. Some think that in order to get rid of acne, we need to dry out our skin with harsh toners, scrubs and washes. This is NOT TRUE and will actually make you break out worse. The best thing for a “20 something” to do if you have acne is to make an appointment with your local plastic surgeons office to see one of their skin care specialists. Yes, most makeup counters have hundreds of products that you can purchase but you will only find the best most effective products at your plastic surgeons office. Products that are so effective that makeup counters aren’t allowed to sell them because they need to be monitored by a physician. Your local plastic surgeons office will also have Peels, Facials and several other options to maximize your skin’s potential.

Facial Plastic Surgery

Now that we’ve discussed you non-surgical options, let’s talk about surgical options. Most patients in this age group request nose surgery, cheek/chin surgery or lip augmentation all of which are minor surgeries with minimal recovery time. Cheek, chin and lip augmentation can be done in the office under local anesthesia. Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) is more of an extensive surgery however it can significantly reduce the size, width and length of your nose which will help to highlight your eyes, cheeks and lips! Most “20 something’s” can have these procedures performed during a summer break from college, spring break or winter break and be back to school looking and feeling better than ever!

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

With special expertise in all aspects of facial plastic surgery, and a particular skill for revision surgery, it’s clear why Dr. Spiegel is one of the most celebrated facial plastic surgeons in the world. If you are seeking the best possible results, or have a uniquely challenging problem, you’ve found the right doctor.

Learn More About Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel

Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Onir (pronounced “oh-near”) has years of experience in facial aesthetics and treats some of the most recognizable and famous faces. Dr. Onir started her career in oral health, earning doctorate degrees from both New York University and Boston University. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for her cutting-edge medical research as well as her technical skills in dentistry.

Learn More About Dr. Onir L. Spiegel

Dr. Jacob Tower

Dr. Jacob Tower

A board-certified specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Jacob Tower brings a thoughtful approach and an artistic eye to New England’s premier plastic surgery practice, The Spiegel Center in Newton, Massachusetts. In addition to being an in-demand surgeon, Dr. Tower is an assistant professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, a sought-after lecturer, and an expert in facial plastic surgery.

Learn More About Dr. Jacob Tower
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